Thursday, June 13, 2024

New Multi-Coupon Card Analysis

We wanted to talk about another tool in your marketing toolbox, Multi-Coupon Cards. These are best to use when your salon(s) need to generate more new trial (MCA) or re-engage lapsed customers (MCL). 

  • Multi-Coupon Acquisition (MCA): Target your next great customer. Bring potential customers in your door with hyper-targeted promotions.

  • Multi-Coupon Lapsed (MCL): Re-establish the relationship. Reactivate customers who have skipped four or more visits in the last 2 years

We recently completed some updated analysis on these programs and wanted to share the results with you. See our updated Redemption %’s and GPA below. And of course, you can always reference these numbers and more in the performance tab within our portal. 


Redemption %




MCA-Print-Coupon 1


MCA-Print-Coupon 2





MCL-Print-Coupon 1


MCL-Print-Coupon 2


We think these are some pretty great results and a great way to mix up your prospecting efforts or a way to get your lapsed customers back through your doors. 

MCA and MCL are one-off orders, not subscription based like P2N, N2B and B2G. They offer one traditional coupon and one continued use coupon to encourage your customers to visit multiple times and establish a habit. We recommend running MCA and/or MCL twice a year. Learn more about these programs here.

If you have placed MCA or MCL orders in the past please note that there has been an update to how the results are displayed in the performance tab. To accurately find your results, be sure to search by mail date. If you do not know your mail date you can find that information under the 'History' tab.