As September approaches, and the back-to-school season winds down, it's time to strategically plan your marketing efforts for the remainder of 2024. Customer Journey is here to help you maximize your impact through targeting multi-channel programs ensuring your salon attracts new customers and keeps your existing customers on their journey.
Plan Ahead with Customer Journey
Marketing campaigns require thoughtful planning. Customer Journey makes this easy with pre-defined effective, multi-channel programs that have been proven to drive incremental visits using corporate approved creative.
Customer Journey allows you to launch timely and targeted campaigns, perfect for engaging customers right when and where they are on your journey with your salon. These campaigns are hyper-specific, giving you the power to take control of your discounting and only target discounts to those customers that need them to return.
Our combined Ad Fund and Local Level marketing calendar allow you to see where your Ad Fund is investing so you can supplement to meet your marketing goals. If your Ad Fund is not participating and budget constraints are a concern, Customer Journey offers program customization so you can manage your strategic goals and budget. We also give you visibility to your estimated weekly investment so there are no surprises.
Smart Integration for Maximum Impact
Using multi-channel integrated campaigns often yields the best results, and Customer Journey integrates these efforts seamlessly. When customers received discounts across all three channels, we saw a 26% redemption compared to 10% for print only, 4% for email only, and 3% for app only. That’s a 16-percentage point lift from print, our single highest performing channel.
We're Here to Help
If you have any questions or need guidance on how to optimize traffic to your salon during the holiday season and beyond, Customer Journey is here for you. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your success.